Aplikasi Al quran untuk PC yang bernama “Ayat” ini cukup baik dan membantu bagi umat Muslim yang ingin membaca Al quran digital. Bukan tanpa alasan Carisinyal merekomendasikan sebuah software Al Quran untuk laptop ini, pasalnya aplikasi Al Quran untuk PC ini dilengkapi dengan 20 bahasa di dalamnya termasuk bahasa Indonesia.

Hal ini berbeda jika kita hanya mendengarkan bacaan al-quran yang biasa saja. Download Murottal al-Qur’an 30 Juz MP3. Kami menyediakan link download dan streaming berbagai versi rekaman suara al-Qur’an 30 Juz, tepatnya dari puluhan qari’ (ahli baca Qur’an) yang berbeda. Semuanya free (gratis). Al quran tafsir free download - Al Quran Al Kareem with Tafsir ( Tafheem ), Translation and Audio, Al Quran - & Coran Tafsir - with Daily Islamic Reminder, Tafsir Al Ahlam, and many more programs. Demikian link download yang minimal Anda miliki dan install di komputer atau laptop, dengan adanya ketiga paket diatas Anda sudah bisa menikmati al-Quran digital dengan terjemah, tampilan tajwid dengan warna berbeda, serta murottal Syaikh Muhammad Ayyub dengan sekali klik di ayat tertentu dalam mushaf. Aug 04, 2019 Download Al Quran Perkata dan Tafsir apk 2.2.4 for Android. Al Quran in Indonesian, Latin, Indonesian Ministry of Religion Interpretation, Prayer Schedule. Coba download dan install melalui halaman download software al-qur’an digital “Ayat” lalu setelahnya install Extension Pack Tafsir al-Qur’an. Yang ini insyaaAllah lebih lengkap dan lebih stabil dipakai, sehingga manfaat yang dapat Anda petik juga lebih banyak. Ketiga, download tafsir. Download aplikasi Al-Quran terlengkap, download software Al-Quran terbaik, download aplikasi Al Qur'an untuk PC dan Laptop Download Gratis Software Aplikasi Ayat Al Quran Terbaik dan Lengkap dengan Tafsir, Terjemahan, Murotal - Informasi Update dan Terpercaya.
👍 Klik ayat untuk menampilkan terjemahan kata demi kata.
👍 Klik terjemahan ayat untuk menampilkan tafsir.
👍 Klik nomor ayat untuk menandai.
👍 Tarik scrollbar di sebelah kiri di dekat nomor ayat untuk menuju ke ayat tertentu.
Perbedaan versi Pro dengan Free hanya 2 (dua):
1. Untuk versi Pro tersedia 7 pilihan warna tampilan, sedangkan free tersedia 1 pilihan warna tampilan.
2. Pada versi Pro tidak ada tayangan iklan, sedangkan free ada tayangan iklan 1 (satu) kali ketika kembali ke Home Screen.
Selain dari dua hal diatas, TIDAK ADA PERBEDAAN antara versi Pro dan Free.
Konten Aplikasi
☆ Teks Al Quran Rasm Kemenag RI (sumber: https://quran.kemenag.go.id)
Download Al Quran Dan Tafsir 2
☆ Jadwal Shalat 5 waktu.☆ Penunjuk arah kiblat.
☆ Asbabun Nuzul.
☆ Penjelasan beberapa kata tertentu berdasarkan pendapat para ahli tafsir.
☆ Tafsir Kemenag RI Juz 1 s.d Juz 30.
☆ Tafsir Ringkas Kemenag RI Juz 1 s.d Juz 30.
☆ Tafsir Jalalayn Juz 1 s.d Juz 30.
☆ Tafsir Al Muyassar Juz 1 s.d Juz 30.
☆ Ringkasan surah.
☆ Terjemahan perayat dan perkata.
☆ Indeks tematik.
☆ Doa-doa mustajab dalam Al Quran.
Download Al Quran Dan Tafsir Gratis
☆ 7 Pilihan warna tampilan.☆ Tajwid warna.
☆ Terjemahan kata per kata.
☆ Audio Murotal ayat per ayat.
☆ Pengulangan audio per ayat berdasarkan jumlah counter.
☆ Jump to ayat.
☆ Menambahkan Tag pada tiap ayat.
☆ Menambahkan catatan pada tiap ayat.
☆ Tampilan Juz atau Daftar Surah.
☆ Pencarian kata terjemahan/Arab
☆ Copy/Share ayat atau tafsir ke media sosial.
☆ 2 Plilihan font Arab.
Kami selalu terbuka menerima kritik dan saran untuk perbaikan aplikasi ini sehingga semakin mudah digunakan. Kami juga tidak meminta supaya pengguna memberikan rating yang tinggi jika memang aplikasi ini tidak pantas untuk diberi 5 bintang. Kami hanya meminta supaya Anda memperbarui kembali review dan peringkat yang telah diberikan jika kami telah melakukan perbaikan pada fitur yang membuat Anda tidak nyaman.
Mengapa rating aplikasi ini menjadi penting?
Karena semakin baik ratingnya, maka semakin mudah pula orang lain untuk menemukan aplikasi ini di Play Store, sehingga mereka juga bisa mendapatkan ilmu seperti yang telah Anda dapatkan.
Keywords: Quran, Qur'an, Qur'an Indonesia, Qur'an Tajwid, Tafsir Al Qur'an, Al Qur'an Free, Al Qur'an Gratis, Al Qur'an Digital, Qur'an Android, Murotal, Al Qur'an, Indopak, Utsmani, Uthmani, Hafs, Tajwid, Tajwid Warna, Warna Tajwid, Tafsir, Depag RI, Tafsir Ringkas, Substansi Ayat, Makna Ayat, Quran Android, Quran Digital, Tafsir Lengkap, Kandungan Surah, Kandungan Ayat, Tadabbur, Hafal Qur'an, Jalalayn, Jalalain, Perkata, Kata per Kata, Index Al Quran, Quran lengkap, Tematik.
This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices.
Alhamdulillah. Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word) is a Quran study tool for all. It provides Verse by Verse Audio Playback with repeat functions, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Color Coded Tajweed, Word by Word Analysis and Translations, Index of Quran, Note Taking & Custom Bookmarks with Sync, Powerful Search, Several Translations & Tafsirs in Various Languages, Multiple Themes and Fonts and much more.
You can Enjoy:
Several Translations & Tafsirs:
● 70+ Translations & Tafsirs with 35+ Languages: Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, German, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Russian, Spanish, Urdu and many more
● Verse Indexed Tafsir Ibn Kathir in English with Embedded Arabic, Taqiuddin Hilali commentary
● 8 Arabic Tafsirs (including Tafseer Ibn Kathir, Tafseer Tabari etc.)
● Different Quran Translations & Tafsirs viewable simultaneously
Word by word Analysis & Translations:
● Word by Word Translation in English, Indonesian, Bangla, German, Turkish based on Quran
● Word by Word Rendering, Root / Lemma Information, Word Occurrences, Details and Verb Forms
Bookmarks & Notes:
● Bookmarks / Favorites separated into User Made Categories
● Mark Verses as Last Read using Single Bookmark Feature, and keep track of Khatmah
● (Upcoming Insha’allah) Take Notes for Each Ayah
● (Upcoming Insha’allah) Bookmarks / Notes Sync & Import / Export feature to share across devices
Search & Quran Index:
● Powerful Full-Text Search Engine with Highlights
● (Upcoming Insha’allah) Quran Index
Quran Majeed Audio mp3:
● Listen to several recitations by 45+ Reciters (downloadable for offline use)
● Reciter Options: Sheikh Mishary Al Afasy, Sheikh Husary (Muallim), Shaykh Ayman Suwaid, Sheikh Abdur Rahman As-Sudais, Shaykh Abdul Basit Mujawwad and many other Qaris
● English and Urdu translation audio
● Robust Audio System with repeat, group playback of verses function to aid in Quran Memorization / Quran Hifz
Various Customization Options, Tajweed & Others:
● Reading with Uthmani or (Upcoming Insha’allah) IndoPak script style
● Read Quran in Mushaf Mode
● Read Tafsirs in Tafsir View
● Color Coded Tajweed with the same color implementation as iQuran
● (Upcoming Insha’allah) Various Fonts, Pinch Zoom feature and Multiple Themes including Night Mode
● Autoscroll feature
● Copy & Share the verses
(Upcoming Insha’allah) Localization:
● Quran App User Interface localized in 10+ Languages: Arabic, English, Bangla, German, French, Bahasa Indonesia / Malay, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, Urdu and more
- All feature supports offline (Quran offline)
- And next features that are in development
Share and Recommend this Beautiful Quran app for iOS to your friends and family. May Allah bless us in this world and hereafter.
'Whoever calls people to right guidance will have a reward like that of those who follow him..' - Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2674
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Completely Free to Use and Contains No Ads.
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What’s New
- Custom Audio (Check tutorial page for tutorial)
- Slight Database Fix
Best Quran App ever
Jazakallah Allah khair to the people who helped develop this app. Wallahi, this app is beautiful, the font is easy to read, and the layout is wonderful. The fact we can learn root words, learn the translation inline so you know what each word means rather than the general definition of an Ayah is what makes this app unique. It has helped excel my learning of the Quran and made me appreciate its value so much more, as I do not need to go far to learn. You can search other ayahs using the root word so you can see how other ayahs are used in context. And not only that but you can search for specific tafsir . I was wondering however, will there be a point where we have a search bar that allows us to look up ayahs with certain words? Again jazakallum Allah khair
Upcoming Great Quran App
For a young app, and I have been using it since it was in its first stages, it is an up and coming great Quran App. I am continuing to study Classical Arabic and for a very long time, my all time favorite app was Bayan Quran.. Cyberghost torrent pirate. hence with its onslaught of disfunction rendering that app almost always completely unusable, I was longing for a new app to replace it. First, that was, and still is, a very tall order, as Bayan Quran Pro, when it worked, gave me root words;Arabic Iraab, Tafsir, Sarf form of the word, word family (form), and definition..word by word just by tapping and holding the word! Whew! Impressive! Alas, that app has spent the last year+ being more broke than not. This new app quickly impressed me! Even at its most primal stages, I looked forward to seeing how it would grow and it has. The reason I list the many other things the other app can do is quite selfish of me, actually, it is in high hopes that upon seeing my review, the Devs will aspire to growing this app to cover these and more! It will be an impressive Quran app for the Classical Arabic student, Insha’Allah! I can easily say that I will even be willing to pay for such an app! It would be considered more than worth it, as long as you kept it working! Please! This level of App was and is a daily asset to my studies and to my ability to help teach my child. SubhanAllah! I look forward to more updates and progress.
Developer Response,
Jazakallahu Khair For Your Review
Insha'allah we will continue our update to match user expectation as per as we can.
Pray for us insha'allah
This is an App i have been waiting for
I am a perusing my classical Arabic language studies and this app has paved a path for me to master the vocabulary from Quran. And the best part is, I can search for all those words in the Quran that has same root and different conjugations for verbs and musdar nouns.
Although this app just disappears when there is nesting of root search. For example when i view the root for maliki meem laam kaaf it searched all those verse that has root but don’t highlight the word in the verse where the root is used. Moreover when there is multiple nesting of search the app just disappears. I hope the developers release this bug fix. In sha allah.
Hp deskjet 1050 scanner driver download. And jazakallahu khair for this beautiful App!
Developer Response,
Jazakallhu Khair For Your Review
Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Family Sharing
With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.